Kilfeera Park Merino Stud averaged $2551 for its horned rams and $2100 for its polled rams at a recent sale.
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Murray and Fiona McKenzie said they were very pleased with their rams, as the sale results exceeded expectations with new and returning clients making purchases.
“The top-priced ram was sired by Roseville Park 160006 (Woody) who had an excellent crimpy white wool, produced on a deep square body weighing 104kg,” Mr McKenzie said.
The top-priced ram was a horned Merino, which sold for $5600 to Cobb Run Merino Stud at Booroorban, north of Deniliquin (17.6 micron fleece).
The sale average was $581 better than last year and two volume buyers were active — F. Hill (Benalla) buying 11 rams and J. Earl (Cavendish) buying 10.
The ram sale was held on-property at Lurg, near Benalla, on October 11.
Kilfeera Park Poll Merino Stud, managed by family members Clyde and Sue McKenzie, sold eight polled rams and averaged $1438.
The top ram fetched $2100, paid by M. Radford of Creightons Creek.