PREMIUM News Astrobrendy | The Orion Nebula By McPherson Media Group Dec 10, 2024 The Orion Nebula is only 1500 light-years away, making it the closest large star-forming region to earth. The red gas is hydrogen from exploding stars. Can you see the Running Man on the left? This is my second attempt at the Orion nebula. I’m getting more detail from my new mono camera. To follow Brendan O’Keeffe’s photography online, head to his Facebook page by searching for Brendan O’Keeffe Astrophotographer, or on Instagram @astrobrendy. By McPherson Media Group
News Hospital worker homes completeTwo months after arriving in Finley, new homes for health staff are now complete. By Southern Riverina News
News Health hours cutBerrigan’s health service will have reduced operating hours until the end of January. By Southern Riverina News
News Locals eligible for free vaccinesThe Edward River, Murray River, Murrumbidgee council areas, along with Berrigan Shire, remain areas of high Japanese encephalitis virus, prompting a new warning reminder from NSW Health. By Contributed
News New chair’s experience welcomedThe appointment of Daryl Quinlivan AO as the new chair of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) board has been welcomed by Shadow Minister for Water, Senator Perin Davey. By Contributed