Craig Thornton has been on staff at Berrigan Shire Council for more than 25 years.
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For this achievement, Craig was one of five council staff members who recently received certificates of recognition at the 2022 Staff Recognition and Appreciation Day.
Held at the Berrigan Sports Ground, the day started with the launch of council’s ‘How’s your head’.
The campaign focuses on mental health and conversation starters within staff.
Staff who received Certificates of Recognition for years of service were:
Craig Thornton - over 25 years.
Geoffrey Soule - over 10 years.
Rebecca Smithers - over 10 years.
Mark Moroney - over 5 years.
Chris Koschel - over 5 years.
Workplace excellence awards were also presented on the day.
These were nominated by peers, who identified outstanding work and achievements.
Nominees were Jacq-Lyn Davis, Judy Cakebread, Kaye Baxter, Nikki Arnold, Sam Armer, Tahlia Fry, Jeff Manks, Monique Aarts, Rebecca Smithers, Wilma Silveira and Scott Ansell.
Sam Armer was the eventual winner, with Jude Cakebread named runner-up.
Again, nominated by peers, was the Outstanding Team Achievement awards.
Nominees were the Operations Team (Infrastructure), Water & Sewer Team (Infrastructure) and Finance Team (Corporate Services).
The Water & Sewer Team took home the award.
Berrigan Shire Council staff finished the recognition and appreciation day with a Berrigan Shire themed trivia game.