Shepparton Search and Rescue and CFA crews worked together to clear debris.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
Over a hundred calls were made to emergency services on Sunday, November 17 after residents of Shepparton woke up to trees strewn across their roads, power outages and for some, damage to their homes.
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From the moment their pagers started going off in the early hours of Sunday until well after dark that night, emergency services were out getting rid of debris and patching up damage across town.
Shepparton Search and Rescue clean up tree debris blocking the road.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
Emergency services attended 139 jobs in total.
Total jobs attended included 76 trees fallen on roads/footpaths, 43 incidences of building/roof damage, 16 trees down on structures causing building damage and four trees on cars.
Altogether, there were 80 volunteers helping out across the region from Shepparton Search and Rescue, SES crews from Tatura, Euroa, Kyabram, Benalla, Yarrawonga, Rushworth, Kinglake, Numurkah, Wangaratta and the Regional Support Unit, and CFA crews from both Mooroopna and Shepparton.
Emergency services work to clear the road.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
Sunday’s efforts were not lost on Shepparton Search and Rescue president Nacole Standfield, who said she was proud of the efforts of her team and the assisting emergency services.
“We had a very busy day, with crews finishing at 9.30pm/10pm last night,” Ms Standfield said on Monday.
“The pager started going off at 3.30am yesterday morning and finished at 8pm last night.
“We managed to clear all 139 jobs yesterday, and we’re now back out today cleaning up a few others.
“There shouldn’t be any trees on roads now unless some weren’t called through yesterday, but now we’re just out assessing jobs called through this morning.
“I just want to thank all the assistance from the SES units that came to help, as well as the CFA units and the team at Shepparton Search and Rescue.”
Shepparton Search and Rescue vice president Mick D’Elia sent through photos taken from the day.
Check them out below.
A Shepparton Search and Rescue crew member drags a snapped tree off the road.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
Shepparton Search and Rescue vice president Mick D'Elia assists with patching up structural damage on a home.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
This tree snapped high up its trunk.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
Crew members of Shepparton Search and Rescue cut up a tree blocking the road.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
Clearing branches from outside a Shepparton home.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
The storm caused damage to several powerlines and homes across Shepparton.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
Shepparton Search and Rescue crew sweep tree debris off the road.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
CFA and Shepparton Search and Rescue crews remove the trees that were felled in the storm.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
Shepparton Search and Rescue members fix storm damage on a roof.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia
A Shepparton Search and Rescue crew member repairs a roof.
Photo by
Mick D'Elia