Finley High School agriculture teacher Gary Webb has been inducted into the Melbourne Royal Show’s Beef Cattle Hall of Fame.
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He was chosen for the honour because of his contribution to youth in agriculture.
It is a fitting accolade for a man who has fostered and guided numerous students to find a passion for agriculture.
As well as teaching agriculture in school, Mr Webb encourages and supports his students in cattle showing at regional shows and big events like the Melbourne Royal Show.
Mr Webb began his teaching career in 2007, starting as an intern at Finley High School before joining the team on a full-time basis.
“I was always keen to have him join Finley High full-time after his internship,” fellow ag teacher Robyn O’Leary said.
“I would pop in and ask the principal if he has a job for him.”
Mr Webb is a popular teacher at Finley High, and as well as teaching ag is a year level co-ordinator.
He accepted his award in person at the Melbourne Show, which he is attending with the Finley High show team.
Mr Webb said the induction caught him off guard.
“It completely took me by surprise,” he said.
“I am very much a quiet person. This sort of thing sort of makes me uncomfortable, but it is very nice, and I am very grateful.
“It was particularly nice to have my own kids there too - another nice surprise.
“I thought they just used me being in Melbourne as a chance to come see me.”
Before going into teaching, Mr Webb was a tradesman and then a dairy farmer. But he felt he had more to give.
“I always had a passion to work with kids,” he said.
Mr Webb has accompanied the show team to the Melbourne Show every year since 2007, except for the COVID impacted years.
Each time, the show team has averaged about 30 students.
Mr Webb joins Mrs O’Leary as a member of the Melbourne Royal Show’s Beef Cattle Hall of Fame.
“It’s a great honour, but Gary is more than a thoroughly deserving candidate,” Mrs O’Leary said.