The draft Small Town Sports Sustainability Strategy aims to support access to sporting and recreation facilities to boost social, economic, and physical wellbeing across the shire.
The strategy highlights the critical importance of sporting facilities for smaller communities, outlining six key drivers for sustainability, including master plans tailored for recreation reserves in Tungamah, Invergordon, Katamatite, Katunga, Picola, Strathmerton, Waaia and Yarroweyah.
Limited funding and resources present challenges in delivering programs, support and infrastructure upgrades. The draft strategy is designed to create a practical and sustainable plan for addressing these future needs in the shire’s smaller communities.
Moira Shire Council Chair Administrator Dr Graeme Emonson PSM said it was important these facilities meet community expectations and provide fair access for all sports.
“The community and council have invested significantly in these facilities over time, knowing the benefits of sport for smaller communities are immense,” Dr Emonson said.
“This draft plan shows our strong commitment, and as the need for diverse sports facilities increases, we aim to use this plan to leverage external support and funding to help deliver programs and upgrades.”
Developed with extensive input from local sports clubs, leagues, and Moira Shire Council departments, the draft is now available for public feedback.
The community is encouraged to review the Draft Small Town Sports Sustainability document and share feedback until Friday 31 January through the Moira Matters website.