The Australian Tax Office has a library of handy guides to help you complete your tax return.
The organisation’s guides are tailored specifically to your occupation and industry to address common expense claims we see as deductions in your occupation or industry.
You can select from the complete occupation or industry guide including income, expenses, record keeping and examples or the PDF summary of common work-related expenses for your occupation or industry.
These guides can help you:
• Work out what income and allowances to declare;
• Check if you can or can't claim work-related expenses as a deduction;
• Find out what records you need to keep.
To claim a deduction for work-related expenses, you must meet the three golden rules - you must have spent the money and you weren't reimbursed; the expense must directly relate to earning your income; and you must keep records that show you incur the expense (usually a receipt).
Links to the guides cna be found at, and then following the prompts under the ‘income, deductions and concessions’ tab.