
Probus appreciate our farmers

Fr Paul Lu (back left) and Bishop Mark Edwards OMI (back, right) with Finley confirmation participants Jay Taylor, Ivy Murray, Rori Dean, Will Harris, Orlando Orsida, Zane Sibraa, Callum Tanner and Rydah Armitage.
Public Speaking Competition winners Imogen Harris and Dianela Cana Ventura with Lion Warwick Douglas.
Probus gueast speaker Aimee Snowden (front, left) with members (back, from left) Gerry Gavel, Allan Matheson, Betty Robinson, Betsy Phillips, Marg McLeod, Jacci Benjamin, Esther Bryan, Marnie Steer, Janice Christie and Veronica Rands; (front) Sandra Gavel, Maree Matheson, Inez Boldiston and Liz Kerr.
Lesley Wilson and Maree Matheson with some of the colourful winter clothing on sale at the Finley Hospital Auxiliary Op Shop.
CanAssist volunteers Jill Braybon and Pat Radford chatting with Michael Philpot and Innez Boldiston.

Finley Probus Club members celebrated Farm Workers Appreciation Day at their meeting last week, by dressing as farm workers.

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