If this interests you, drop in and have a chat about becoming a member of the NSW SES.
The unit meets Tuesday nights between 6pm and 9pm, rotating between the Coly and Darlington Point sheds.
Meetings at the Coly shed - at 1 Bencubbin Ave - are November 19 and December 3.
The Darlington Point meetings are held in the CWA Hall at the corner of Hay Rd and Carrington St, and will be held November 26 and December 10.
You can also visit https://www.ses.nsw.gov.au/volunteering-details/storm-and-flood-damage-volunteer/ for more information.
Coleambally Garden Club’s last outing will be their combined clubs’ Christmas get together in Narrandera on Saturday, December 7.
For further information please contact Marlyn Laurie on 0417 548 817.
Nominations are open for Australia Day Awards.
Categories include Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Sportsperson of the Year, Junior Sportsperson of the Year, Sub-junior Sportsperson of the Year, Sports Team of the Year, Cultural Award and Event of the Year.
Fill out your application online by going to https://www.murrumbidgee.nsw.gov.au/My-council/Awards-recognition/Australia-Day-Awards/Coleambally-Australia-Day-Awards.
The Coleambally Demonstration Farm is looking for expressions of interest to grow a crop on the Demo Farm next year.
Please send your applications to demofarm2026@gmail.com.
The Coleambally Lions Club is calling for organisations to become involved in its Gala Night on Saturday, December 7.
Please email Ian Sutherland via Coleamballylionsclub@gmail.com to register your interest.
Sammie at the supermarket is doing a donation drive to the women's refuge for Christmas.
She is specifically looking for toiletry items. Please leave them at the shop by the end of November.
Please send any information for ‘Coly Chatter’ to cchirgwin81@gmail.com by 6pm each Sunday.