This scripture is very clear, telling us that anyone who isn’t working with God is actually working in opposition to Him.
We are either growing in God or diminishing.
There is no middle ground. You are either for him or against him.
Just attending church does not put you on team Jesus.
To be on his team, you have to actively take up His cause.
His cause is to establish His kingdom on Earth.
Jesus offers everyone a role to play on His team. We all have a part to play as co-workers with Christ.
He gives to each person a role to fulfil and the gifts necessary to accomplish them.
Every role is important to Jesus, no matter how big or small.
Let’s reflect this week on the role we have been given by God, and make the commitment to fulfil God's will and purpose for our lives.
When we do this, the day we go home to be with God, we will hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant“.
~ Contributed by J Robertson.