Please permit me space to comment on some of the quite interesting assertions regarding the Greater Shepparton City Council elections.
The first comment is reserved for those belittling candidates elected unopposed as if it is somehow wrong — both the ‘elected unopposed’ candidates had a ‘track record’ with the council which must have satisfied the voters in the Ward, so no opposition.
What is wrong with that? Are you going to say the voters do not understand democracy? Then there is the ‘wards’ system itself coming under criticism as if it undermined democracy — absolute nonsense! Democracy is about interests — you do not have the football club deciding on issues for the golf club or the Scouts making decisions for the mothers’ club.
It follows that the smaller you have the group being represented then the closer the interests of the individual will be supported — we all cannot be on the council, but wards are a suitable compromise. Here is where it becomes interesting! With the ward system, all councillors vote on the business of the shire (no different to the undivided shire), therefore, all councillors should be subject to any ratepayer or resident’s lobbying!
It is here the councillor will find delivering ‘promises’ difficult because the administration controls the funding, even when it comes to filling potholes in the roads.
The council’s ability to coerce ratepayers and residents for funds must not be underestimated because it can deprive you of your home and family’s inheritance — the council’s financial demands must be satisfied before your property can change hands, regardless if it is repossession or insolvency.
A lot depends on the profligacy of the elected council. All that stands between you and the bureaucracy is the council you elect. Good luck with that.