The good numbers in attendance for junior tennis in Deniliquin continued on Saturday, with the weather warming up and plenty of kids ready to learn and improve at the game of tennis.
The red ball group were out in force again with huge numbers on court with great parental involvement.
The Zooper Dooper awards were back and enjoyed by the best group players.
The orange ball group were put through some technical drills, which were embraced by the kids.
As there were quite a few kids away in Section 1, this provided an opportunity for some of the green ball kids to compete a level up.
Nutrien took on Wyoming and had a close battle in the doubles.
Nutrien edged away in the singles though, winning nine sets to six with Hugo McGrillen leading his team to victory winning all of his three sets.
A slightly reduced match between JC Earthworks and CWS saw CWS steam away with a seven sets to three win.
Henry Pisasale and Andrew Frost were too good, and ultimately the difference, winning all of their three sets.