The Blighty Redeyes will be merging its football and netball clubs into one entity.
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The committees of both clubs held meetings on the proposal this month, with votes at the final special meetings last week supporting the decision to amalgamate.
Current Blighty Netball Club president Meagan Lowry said the decisions were convincing.
“I’d say unanimous,” she said.
Lowry said the main focus for the club now is the deciding the future structure of the merged club.
“We are going through what that change looks like - changing from two executive committees to one, and what the committee positions will be.”
Lowry said the fact most people did not realise Blighty had two separate clubs demonstrated why the merger would work.
“We’ve shown how well we’ve worked together, but we didn’t see any need to continue to have two when we can have one committee and spread the different roles from there.
“It’s definitely strengthened the club. The two clubs worked well in the past, and this will only make the club more unified.”